October Newsletter

As stated in our September Newsletter, we have all Limelight Teamwear samples in the office THIS WEEK!! Julie Prévost will be in the office during the following days & times:
Tuesday, October 3rd from 5:00-8:00pm Thursday, October 5th from 5:00-8:00pm Friday, October 6th from 5:00-7:30pm.
We have many exciting items to choose from: Leggings, Signature Jacket, Pullovers, Mesh Jackets, Leotards, Dance Shorts, and more.
*NOTE: Orders are accepted this week ONLY. Late submissions will not be accepted. All orders must be pre-paid.
**Competitive team dancers are required to order one of these jackets.
The studio is closed for Thanksgiving weekend: October 7th-9th. Classes resume on Tuesday, October 10th. There ARE classes on Friday, October 6th.
This is a reminder: THERE WILL BE NO CLASSES ON Wednesday, October 18th and Thursday, October 19th. MKDA teachers are volunteering their time and services at the Timmins & District Hospital fundraising event called ‘’Dancing With The Docs’’. Wish us luck as we perform our hearts out with our local doctors!
MKDA is looking for Dad’s who are willing to bust a move on our stage at the year-end dance recital!! Dance Dads is always a crowd favorite at our year-end show, and we want to get as many Dads on stage as possible!
Practices will be every Monday evenings from 8:15-9:15pm in Studio A. First practice starts on Monday, November 13th from 8:15-9:15pm. We will start learning the recital choreography on November 13th, so come ready to learn, have fun & sweat!
To give your name, please email Melissa at: melissa@themkda.com.
Oh! Did we forget to mention…..If your son/daughter is on our competitive team, you will also be performing this dance at COMPETITION this year!! Just thought we would remind you ha ha!!
Costume measurements are due before November 1st. You can enter your child’s measurements using the SportsEngine app! PLEASE NOTE: Miss Julie will not be measuring students this year. If we do not receive your child’s measurements, Julie will need to guess what size to order your child. This may result in the costume being too big or too small, and alternations will need to be made and your expense.
*Please make sure to measure in INCHES please*
The Santa Claus parade sign-up sheet will be up on the entrance cork board by October 23rd. The parade will be held on Saturday, November 18th. Any dancer age 10+ can participate in the dancing portion of the parade – dancing behind our float. The more the merrier!! When we get closer to the date, we will send more information about attire, dates & times of practices etc.
Meet Savreet Kaur!!
Savreet will be teaching traditional Bhangra dancing at MKDA beginning
Friday, November 3rd!! We are excited to welcome her to MKDA!
Here is information on how to register: